* Standard Fee for Conveyancing $1,100 + GST

Occasionally a transaction may be more complicated and as such involves more work than usual. If there is an encumbrance for example on the title this will require more time & an additional fee.

From 28th April 2014 all parties to LTO documents must undertake Verification of Identity (VOI). We undertake this procedure in-house or remotely via InfoTrack and a fee of $60 plus GST is charged per person.

Most land transactions in Australia are done via PEXA the electronic settlements platform. Pexa charges various fees per type of transaction. Currently [in 2024-2025] a one title Transfer transaction is $137.39 inc GST.

If you are buying a property the Land Titles Offices will charge you a Transfer registration fee calculated using a sliding scale based on the purchase price of the property.

If you are buying a property Stamp Duty on the Transfer is paid to Revenue SA and is based on the purchase price. see https://www.revenuesa.sa.gov.au/stampduty/calculate-stamp-duty

If you are selling a property the Land Titles Offices charges a fee for the registration of a discharge of a mortgage (if applicable). The fee is currently [in 2024-2025] $197.00.


Christine is qualified and has had many years experience in the field of Conveyancing.
If you have sold or intend to sell a property, you will need a Conveyancer to attend to the transfer of the property.
Conveyancing is a complex series of tasks that require knowledge and skill – the reason that Conveyancers must hold special qualifications and be licensed.
Below is a basic list of the tasks a conveyancer may undertake in the settlement process for a vendor.

Basic Tasks

  • Client Authorisation
  • Open matter and set up file
  • Carefully peruse the contract, Form 1 and any ancillary documents
  • Obtain appropriate statutory searches. Check contract and Form 1 against searches. Get instructions if appropriate
  • Check search Certificate of Title for any unregistered documents
  • Diarise Date conditions due and settlement date
  • Check/ensure deposit is paid
  • Consider if client needs GST or other tax, legal or professional advice and obtain instructions
  • Send letter to Agent requesting balance of deposit
  • Prepare and arrange for Vendor to sign discharge authority
  • Send signed discharge authority to Lender requesting loan payout figure and preparation of Discharge of Mortgage
  • Confirm conditions of contract are fulfilled by parties by the due dates
  • Deal appropriately with any encumbrance on the title
  • Prepare any required documents (eg Application to Note Death, Transmission Application)
  • Obtain appropriate documents from client (eg death certificate, probate)
  • Receive balance deposit from Agent
  • Confirm outstanding amounts with rating authorities for payment
  • Advise Vendor to arrange final readings in respect of utilities and telephone
  • Order SA Water special meter reading certificate
  • Adjust rates and taxes and any community or strata levy
  • Prepare Purchaser’s adjustment statement and send to Purchaser’s Conveyancer
  • Receive loan payout figure from Lender
  • Prepare Vendor’s settlement statement and send to Vendor
  • Book settlement via PEXA
  • Advise Vendor of completion of settlement
  • Send change of ownership letters to rating authorities and any community or strata corporation
  • Pay any rates and taxes outstanding at settlement
  • Calculate usage from special meter reading, pay appropriate amount to SA Water to put Purchaser into credit and advise Purchaser’s Conveyancer
  • Prepare final account for fees & trust account statement and send to Vendor
  • Check search Certificate of Title to confirm registration of Transfer


If you have purchased a property, you will need a Conveyancer to attend to the transfer of the property.
Below is a basic list of the tasks a conveyancer may undertake in the settlement process for a purchaser.

Basic Tasks

  • Take initial instructions from Purchaser and advise Purchaser to get insurance cover immediately.
  • Client Authorisation
  • Carefully peruse the contract, Form 1 and any ancillary documents
  • Ensure purchaser is getting the correct property – eg client signed plan for land or
  • community/strata property
  • Obtain appropriate statutory searches. Check contract and Form 1 against searches. Get instructions if appropriate
  • Diarise date conditions due and settlement date
  • Ascertain if Property to be owner occupied or for investment purposes
  • Consider if client needs GST or other tax, legal or professional advice and obtain instructions
  • Ascertain if there are any stamp duty concessions available to client
  • Ascertain if Purchaser is a first home buyer
  • Ascertain the manner in which joint Purchasers are to hold the Property
  • Confirm conditions of contract are fulfilled by parties by the due dates
  • Ensure that any encumbrance on the title is dealt with appropriately and get purchaser sign off that they understand
  • Confirm finance arrangements with Purchaser and deal accordingly with lender
  • Obtain ACN from ASIC for any corporation
  • Confirm amount to be provided by Lender at Settlement
  • Advise Purchaser to liaise with Agent to arrange collection of keys after settlement
  • Advise Purchaser to arrange for utilities and telephone to be put in Purchaser’s name
  • Order SA Water special meter reading certificate
  • Adjust rates and taxes and any community or strata levy
  • Prepare Purchaser’s settlement statement
  • Send settlement statement to Purchaser requesting balance of funds
  • Receive funds from Purchaser
  • Book settlement via PEXA
  • Stamp and certify Transfer
  • Check search Certificate of Title immediately before settlement
  • Advise Purchaser of completion of settlement
  • Send change of ownership letters to rating authorities and any community or
  • strata corporation
  • Confirm Vendor’s Conveyancer has paid rates and taxes unpaid at settlement
  • Prepare final account for fees and trust account statement and send to client
  • Provide purchaser with a Confirmation of Registration

Standard Fee for Conveyancing $990 + GST

Occasionally a transaction may be more complicated and as such involves more work than usual. If there is an encumbrance for example on the title this will require more time & an additional fee.